Our Local Chapter History
Our Club originally founded on June 21, 1986 as The United States Services Academies Parents’ Association and later, on May 2, 2015 redefined as The United States Naval Academy Parents’ Club of Northeast Florida (“Club”) plays a key role supporting the families of midshipmen attending The United States Naval Academy.
Throughout the years, an average of 10 Appointments are awarded to the brightest and most deserving young men and women from the northeast Florida area to attend The United States Naval Academy the following fall.
On February 4, 2016 The IRS issued our club a 501(c)(3), “not for profit” status, which will further support our activities supporting midshipman families.
Under the guidance and assistance from The United States Naval Academy Alumni Association and Foundation, and the Northeast Florida Alumnus Association, the primary objective and activities of our Club is to support the Brigade of Midshipmen in achieving their goal of becoming a commissioned officer in The United States Navy or the United States Marine Corps. Our Club endeavors to provide opportunities for fellowship, community service, and volunteering activities to assist visiting midshipmen special interest groups.